LC George Town Mutiara

Wednesday 23 March 2022

A Useful Guide to a Successful Nomination / Election Meeting

Nomination Committee.

Nominations are to be held in February or March of each year.

Ø The Club President shall appoint the Nomination Chairperson.

Ø It has been a tradition of the Club that the Immediate Past President of the day will be invited to chair the Nomination Committee.

Ø The Nomination Chair shall:

·        form a Committee of 4 to 6 members.

·        hold at least 2 Committee Meetings prior to the Election Meeting.

·        invite the Club Membership to recommend candidates to the new board.  

·        propose names of candidates (with nominees’ consent) for the various club officers at the Nomination Meeting.

·        (Note: By-Laws Article II Section 2)  Directors Election: One-half of the directors shall be elected annually.)


Nomination Meeting

·        The Nomination Committee shall announce their proposed candidatures to be nominated at the Nomination Meeting.

·        The floor can propose candidates who can best fulfill these positions. (The proposer has to ask consent from that candidate before proposing and both must be in good standing. A seconder to needed to the proposal.) 

·        Should there be other candidates contesting against those recommended by the Nomination Committee, then an Election Meeting will be conducted at the next meeting and voting will take place to decide the elected candidate.

·        Should there be no other candidates against those proposals by the Nomination Committee, then it shall be taken that these candidates be duly elected. A proposal and seconder are mandatory for the candidates to be adopted.

·        All candidates standing for positions must be in good standing, likewise for all members who are participating in voting.


Interim Period Prior to the Election Meeting

By-Laws (Article II Section 9) Please find below the C&BL extract.

    The minutes of the nomination meeting will be circulated to the club members. 

·        Any candidate proposed can be withdrawn during the period between the days of nomination and election.

·        If in the interim period between nomination meeting and the election meeting, any nominee who is unable to serve in the office to which he/she was nominated, he/she can withdraw; and the Nomination Committee shall add in additional nominees for that office.


Election Meeting

By-Laws (Article II Section 6) Please find below the C&BL extract.

·       Elections are to be held no later than April 15 of each year.

The Club Secretary is required, either by mail or by personal delivery, to give notice to each member of the club at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the date of the election.

·        The election shall be conducted by a secret written ballot by those present and qualified to vote.

·        The officer candidate is required to secure a majority of the votes cast by the club members present and voting in order to be declared elected; for purpose of such an election, a majority is defined as a number more than one-half of the total valid votes cast excluding blanks and abstentions.

·        If, on the first ballot, and subsequent ballots, no candidate receives a majority, the candidate or tied candidates receiving the lowest number of votes shall be eliminated and balloting shall continue until one candidate receives a majority. In the case of a tie on any ballot, balloting shall continue on the tied candidates until one is elected.

 (Suggest that the Club Secretary be the Writing Secretary for the Nomination Meeting including giving notices to the Members.) 

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