LC George Town Mutiara

Lions Club Meeting


1. A Chartered Club is obliged to hold, without fail, one Regular meeting and one Board of Directors (B.O.D.) meeting, monthly.

2. Club Leo Committee Chairperson who is not a Member of the Board, is to be invited to attend the B.O.D. Meetings whenever his/her presence is deemed necessary.

3. Any Club member is entitled to attend a B.O.D. Meeting as an observer but is allowed to speak only with the permission of the Presiding Officer. An observer has no voting rights.

4. Notice of Meeting shall state specifically the time of the meeting. All Meetings shall begin and end, promptly, at the regular set times. 

5. It is preferable that the duration of a meeting does not exceed two hours.

6. The standard club constitution stipulate that the presence in person of 50% of the total members of good standing or twice the total number of the B.O.D. is the quorum of a Regular Meeting of the Club (if at the beginning of a Meeting there is no quorum, the meeting will commence at the set time nonetheless and only those items that may not cause any litigation in future shall be deliberated).

7. The presence in person of 1/2 its members shall constitute a quorum at a B.O.D. Meeting.

8. The act of a majority of the members present at any meeting of the club shall be the act and decision of the entire club.

9. As the B.O.D. shall consider and shape, first, all new business and policies of the Club, for presentation to and approval by the Club members, a suggested order of business of a B.O.D. Meeting is:

i) Meeting called to order
ii) Roll call and apologies
iii) Remarks by President
iv) Approval of Minutes of previous meeting
v) Matters arising there from
vi) Correspondences (relevant to the Meeting and/or urgent matters that cannot wait for the next regular Meeting)
vii) Report of Secretary
(a) Delinquent members due to non attendance
(b) Any others
viii) Report of Treasurer
a) A Statement of receipts and payments for the month of ....
(1) Project Account
(2) Administrative Account 
b) Approval of Bills and Bills outstanding
d) Delinquent members and Bills due to non payment
d) Any Others 
ix) Report of Committees and Chairperson
a) Leo Club Chairperson/Leo Advisor
b) Report of Committee Chairpersons that seek the approval of the Board for their findings/recommendations.
x) Unfinished business (should be itemised)
xi) New business (should be itemised)
xii) Confirmation of date, time and venue of next meeting
xiii) Adjournment

10. Regular Meetings can be divided into Business and Social Meetings, if so required.

11. Suggested order of Regular Business Meeting is:

i) Meeting called to order
ii) Roll call and apologies
iii) Opening remarks / Address by President
iv) Confirmation of Minutes of previous meeting
v) Matters Arising
vi) Report of Secretary
a) Decision taken by the B.O.D. at its last meeting (advisable to circulate earlier the Minutes of the Board meeting 
b) Correspondance which are of general importancfe to members and do not require the attention ofthe Board are urgent and cannot wait until the next B.O.D.
c) Any others
vii) Report of Treasurer (A Treasurer has to present a Statement of Accounts once in three months)
a) Members' arrear list
b) Any others
viii) Report of Committee and Chairperson/Vice president (Only those activities and projects that have been approved by the B.O.D. and now are redy for implementation and require the help of general members)
ix) Unfinished business (should be itemised)
x) New business (should be itemised)
xi) Anyn other business
xii) Date of date and time of next meeting
xiii) Adjournment

12. Suggested order of business of a Regular Social Meeting is:

i) Meeting called to order
ii) Address by the President
*iii) Introductions
v) Talk on Lionism (Lions Information Committee)
vi) Singing (optional)
vii) Introduction of Guest Speaker or Entertainer
viii) The Guest Speaker or the  Entertainer
ix) Vote of thanks to the Speaker or the Entertainer
x) Adjournment

13. If Regular Meetings are not classified into Business or Social Meetings, an item can be regularly added after item *(iii) above, i.e. decisions of the last B.O.D. meeting andn one other, once in three months, i.e. the report of the Treasurer, following the decisions of the last B.O.D. Meeting.


1. Must make it a point to know perfectly well the rules and principles of running a meeting well, including those of Parliamentary Proedure (advisable to peruse throigh Robert's Rules of order.)

2.Ensure you are familiar with your Club Constitution and By-Laws. Carry a copy of it always toi your Club Meetings.

3. You are to assist the Club Secretary to prepare the agenda, at least two weeks before a meeting.

4. Go to the meeting at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the meeting and adjourn it after 1.5 hours or 2 hours whichever is the accepted normal time for your meeting from the scheduled start of the meeting.

5. Remember that success of a meeting depends on your capabiltiy as the Presiding Officer. So, you must make it a point (i) to go through the Minutes of the previous meeting, before the current meeting is called to order (ii) make note on your copy of the previous Minutes any amendments and any matters to be brought up under matters arising therefrom and (iii) points or issues you wish to bring up, preferably on a separate sheet of paper.

6. You must be able to deal with disharmonious behaviour. You should refresh your memory with "Trouble-shooting chart for discussion leaders".

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